- अक्टूबर 2, 2021
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To stop unlicensed illegal plywood units and those having extra presses than legally permitted by Central Empowered Committee constituted by hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
Ref: Minutes of PPMA’s General Hose Meet dated 14-08-2021 at Friends Regency, Ludhiana.
Dear Sir,
1. At present due to acute shortage of POPLAR & SAFEDA Agro trees/ wood and consequently in Punjab most of the plywood units having valid plywood licenses in Punjab are running at 40-50% of installed capacity & said running units are also at the verge of closure
2. On the other side as per information, some unlicensed units are running illegally specifically in Ropar, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot, Bathinda & Zira etc. are causing great problem to existing licensed plywood manufacture units
3. The existing licensed units paid to govt. R4.50 Lac per Hot press, 1.50 Lac for each peeling machine & 10,000/- for band saw as statuary fee fixed by Central Empowered Committee
4. Central Empowered Committee constituted by SC of India made the rules that new Licenses will be only issued subject to availability of wood.
5. That at present there is negligible or NO “POPLAR/SAFEDA” trees or wood in Punjab.
6. The “forest” wood is being used illegally by cutting from forest areas adjoining to Hoshiarpur, Ropar & in Himachal green belts causing environmental problems.
In view of above NO NEW licenses be issued & illegal units & those having presses, peeling machineries & bandsaws more than as permitted to them in licenses be stopped & the said factories be closed forth with, Otherwise the existing units will stand closed due to wood shortage.
In case of no action or relief the aggrieved party/parties will file writs or complaint in Supreme Court/ High Court & to Central Empowered Committee for violation of the directions.
Above letter was issued and sent to the following authorities: –
- The Chief Minister (Punjab)
- The Forest Minister
- The Principal Chief Conservator of Forest & Wildlife
- The Conservator of Forest
- The D.F.O(s) – Hoshiarpur, Ropar, Pathankot, Bathinda, Zira, Ludhiana