WINCOIN – ICFRE – Wood Industries Committee of India
- अगस्त 7, 2023
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ICFRE – Wood Industries Committee of India
(Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change)
First Meeting of ICFRE-Wood Industries Committee of India was held on Monday, 24th July 2023, in Hybrid mode Vide MoEF&CC Order No. F. No. 16-1/2022-RT dt. 22nd October 2022, Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bengaluru has been merged with Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bengaluru. Erstwhile IPIRTI was an autonomous body of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India and the IPIRTI Society was registered under Karnataka Registration Act 1960 and the same has been dissolved as per Para 3 of the aforementioned merger Order. As was decided in the 57th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of IPIRTI Society, all the members of IPIRTI Society can be a part of the Advisory Board for the merged Institutes.
In view of the same, Director General, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehra Dun has constituted an advisory committee with the name “ICFRE-Wood Industries Committee of India (ICFRE-WINCOIN)” for extending its membership to the Industries for continuation of the platform for the wood based industries to contribute in the Research, Training and Testing requirements of the wood-based industries in the country.
Benefits for industrial members of “ICFRE-WINCOIN”
a) Technical support services related to processing and production of wood & wood-based products.
b) Provide solutions to common problems of the industries and their needs through regional workshops/meetings.
c) Arranging Training and Education for the candidates sponsored by the industries through regular short term vocational courses as well as specially conducted courses as per the request of sponsors.
d) Preference in providing well educated and trained production workforce to the wood & wood based industries.
e) Focus will be given to problems and needs of the industries in R&D projects.
f) Undertaking sponsored projects given by the industry for their process and product development.
g) Enlighten the members as well as non-members for the Wood and Wood based Industries regarding the significant achievements and other important events conducted in the Institute.
h) Formulation of specifications for the new products developed by the industry and issue of draft amendments to existing standards.
i) Undertaking sponsored projects given by the factory for their process and product development.
Details of Membership Type (Category) and Membership fees are as under:
The membership fees may be paid through Demand Draft/Online to the following account-
The Director ‘IWST-Corpus Fund’
A/c No. 64013600791
State Bank of India
(03295) – Yeshwanthpur (Bengaluru)
Tumkuru Road, Near APMC Yard, Yeshwantpur,
Bengugaluru – 560022, Karnataka
IFSC Code: SBIN0003297