Why do traders need to form a pan India Association?

At present, the wood industry is facing multiple problems. Especially, there should not be any confusion due to upcoming mandatory BIS. Beside it, need for a pan India Association was felt for a long time.

In India, there are plywood and laminate associations in almost every city, in which other wood based products like MDF particle board, etc. have also been added in due course. But every association is working individually in the limited scope of their area. Our effort is that all the associations should come together on single platform and put forward their concerns. The effort is to take positive steps towards solving the problems of the industry.

Will mandatory BIS will affect traders & how? How can these be solved? There are problem regarding GST and billing. How to maximize billing so that the trader’s money is secured along with the progress of Bharat. We can take this unorganized industry to a broad level jointly.

What can be the role of the Dealers Association in this?

We are doing business in an unorganized industry. In such a situation, if the wholesaler and retailer unite, it can be easy to take the business to a different level. The style of business is also changing rapidly now. Everything from the way of working to the market, the way of selling is changing. What steps can be taken to check any mishappening to the traders, the manufacturer or the customer at any level. How can we move forward by supporting each other? This needs proper attention. If we all remain united, no misdeed can happen to anyone.

What will be the future strategy?

The trader and the manufacturer both are inter connected. Both have common interests. We will work to prosper each other. There are several instances of supplying 32kg of shuttering ply instead of agreed 34kg which creates disputes. It may happen in other quality standards. Then the dealer will hesitate in clearing the dues. If there is no problem in the goods then why would the dealer hold back anyone’s payment?

Our effort is that along with profit, there should be honesty in business. Profit also matters. Still, a relationship of mutual trust should be maintained between the producer and the dealer.

This association will provide a platform to the traders and industrialist, where they can share their views with each other. Each one should get a chance to put forth their views.

What is the objective behind the association?

The association will try to connect the traders and industrialists of the pan India with the association. The association will take steps to stop those wrong doing in GST.

Because our effort is that the business should be done with harmony, we will try to work with consensus in this direction.