There has been a qualitative change in the global economy after the Covid pandemic. While many countries are struggling to save their people from starvation, many countries and their business tycoons are preparing themselves for the future by increasing capital expenditure.

The annual growth rate of the top 20 percent is more than 10 percent globally, while that of the remaining 80 percent is less than 5 percent. This trend is visible in India too, along with the world.

Apart from this, we are observing that the stock market and gold in India are growing at a rate of 15-20 percent. Industrial production is also growing at a rate of 7-10 percent. GST collection is consistently at its highest level. But on the contrary domestic consumption is stable at 4-5 percent.

When such adverse circumstances are visible, confusion escalates as to what should be the direction of business decisions.

It is a common principle that if we keep on pedaling uphill, then the bicycle will move forward (may be at a slow speed) but continuously. Whenever we stop pedaling, then the bicycle will start reversing back downhill.

Wood based and allied industries are standing right now, at this point. There are (unseen) prospects on the other side of the hill. When will we reach that peak depends on the ease of global conditions and various policies of the Bhartiya  government.

But we have to be proactive on our habit.

Whenever a successful person is telling us about his journey that how his particular habit has taken him and his company to greater heights. We are generally not interested in the details of that long journey (which may be of 10-20-30 years). No one pays attention to the description of the difficult penance being done by sacrificing the normal pleasures and painful experiences of this journey (let alone adopting it).

Have we ever thought that people who are impressed by these habits, get happy just by thinking about it and pat their back instead of doing the same in their real life?

Imagination, thinking is as easy as reading a book or listening to someone’s talk. Those who are influenced by the hard work associated with it, take the initiative to lay the foundation of a habit. They are more interested in understanding and following the journey or process of habit formation rather than the results. This is what is important.

Good results are the outcome of a continuous process. The results themselves are not important, it is the process of reaching there which is more important.


Suresh Bahety


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