Delhi NCR Plywood Manufacturer Association has approached the Chairman Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi to review its order for switching to PNG by all the industries located in NCR.

At present industries in NCR has been allowed to operate (without switching to PNG) till 30.09.22. Which is further extended upto 31.10.22

Vikash khanna, president DNPMA, Stated in his letter that biomass is considered world wide as cleaner fuel. Most of the plywood manufacture in units situated in NCR region use one of the Bio-mass material i.e. wooden chips/waste wood as fuel in their boiler which is generated in house from their manufacturing process itself.

In the said letter dated. 14-04-2022 Mr. Vikash Khanna Further Pointed out that:

1. The said fuel i.e. wooden chips/ waste wood have good calorific value but very less ash contents and very low pollution potential and in support of our claim we are attaching herewith the analyses report dated 14.04.2021 of this fuel analyses, by one of our member unit using the said fuel i.e. wooden chips. This has also been established in various directions of CAQM, that the Bio-mass material has least air pollution and is also one of a cleaner fuel.

2. The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission has defined the term Bio-mass vide the central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms And Conditions For Tariff Determination From Renewable Energy Sources) regulations, 2009 which is reproduced as under:-

“Biomass” means wastes produced during agricultural and forestry operations (for examples Straws and Stalks) or produced as a by-product of processing operations of agricultural produce (e.g. husks, shells, deoiled cakes, etc.); wood produced in dedicated energy plantations or recovered from wild bushes/weeds; and the wood waste produced in some industrial operations.

3. Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB) has notified the list of approved fuels vide order endst no. 40234076 dated 12.12.2018 according to which Bio-mass is the approved fuel for the use in all kind of activities including for industrial operations. However, the materials covered under bio-mass, has not been disclosed and defined clearly in the list of approved fuels against the Bio-mass fuel but considering the wooden chips/waste wood as one of Bio-mass material, the HSPCB is granting consent to establish and consent to Operate to all such industries including all plywood manufacturing units, using wooden chips/waste wood as fuel in their boilers/furnaces etc.

4. The use of the said biomass generated from the process of these units as a fuel, is also saving the natural resources of fuel and reducing extra burden on demand of the fossil fuel in the country. By using this fuel, our industries are contributing in economical growth of our country by way reducing the use of imported fuel. Moreover, there is high opportunity cost of dumping of said waste bio-mass generated from these units if it is not used as fuel.

5. Most of the plywood manufacturing industries have installed the proper and adequate emission control devices and the fuel is burnt through controlled means. To maintain the standards prescribed by Haryana state pollution control board and under environment (protection) rules, 1986 and as stipulated in the consent order issued by HSPCB to these units, for discharge of air emissions.

“Hence , in view of findings of CAQM the central pollution control boards is requested to incorporate wooden chips as Bio Mass under cleaner fuel and issue necessary clarifications and guidelines immediately” requested Mr. Khanna.