Govt permits planting of trees on degraded land parcels for credits

In a move to incentivize environmental action and bolster forest restoration efforts, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has amended the green credit rules.

The amendment, which was published on February 26, introduces explicit criteria for land eligibility, outlines application procedures, and introduces a standardized methodology for calculating green credits generated through tree plantation activities.

A green credit is a unit of incentive awarded for carrying out actions that have a positive environmental impact. It works like a reward point for activities such as tree planting water conservation, sustainable agriculture, or pollution reduction.

Green credits can be traded on a market platform, allowing individuals and organizations to monetise their environmentally-friendly actions and providing incentives for others to adopt similar practices.

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India is yet to have a domestic carbon/green credit marketplace with the regulations for it under consideration. There are, however, independent agencies running such platforms.

According to the notification, tree plantation for green credits can now only occur on degraded land parcels under state or Union Territory control, encompassing open forests, scrub lands, wastelands, and catchment areas. The minimum land size for such projects is set at 5 hectares.

However, despite the government’s provision of detailed guidelines environmental law experts expressed concern that the lack of a clear definition for degraded forest may lead to ecological instability.

Degraded land is a piece of land that has lost its ability to support healthy plant growth and ecosystems. This can happen due to cutting down too many trees, overgrazing by animals, harmful farming practices, or extreme weather.

However, another ecologist warned that the alteration will result in the transformation of natural forests into man-made ones, ultimately disrupting the ecological equilibrium of the area.

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