Relaxation on the card

JK Bihani, HPMA President said to P.I.,“in testing times like these, where there is shortage of staff due to ill health, travel restrictions / curfews etc, it becomes vital for the government to step up and relax the deadlines so that businesses and individuals can stay focused on maintaining health and business resumption rather than statutory compliance’s ,”

“In these tough times when all the state governments are taking strict precautionary measures such as complete curfew, night curfew, 72-hour complete lockdown, complete lockdown, containment zones, etc in order to restrict the spread of Covid-19 in their states, it will not be possible to comply with all these statutory compliance’s on time.” said Mr. Bihani. 

Last year, the government provided many statutory and regulatory compliance relief measures after the national lockdown hit the country. This time also Government is examining industry demands to extend key tax compliance timelines

  • Some compliance’s due in April and may include;
  • Monthly GST returns:
  • TDS deposit:
  • TDS/TCS returns for Q4;
  • Filing of specified financial transactions;
  • LLP annual returns;
  • Annual composition GST returns.

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