Promotion of Agroforestry in Punjab

A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Mr. Vikas Garg, IAS, Financial Commissioner, Forest and Wildlife Conservation Department, Punjab, on 23.06.2023 to discuss the promotion of agroforestry for crop diversification in the state of Punjab.

It was participated by

Shri Naresh Tiwari, President, Northern Indian Plywood Manufacturers Association, Shri Inderjit Singh Sohal, President, Punjab Plywood Manufacturers Association, and Major Plywood Industrialists like Century Plywood. Savitri Plywood, Magnus Plywood, Jai Maa Plywood, Harisar Industrial Group. Vidhata Plywoods, Avinash agro of Punjab. Along with Punjab Veneer Producers Union, and Punjab Saw Mills Employees Association.

It was associated by

1. Sh. Raman Kant Mishra PCCF, HOFF, Punjab Government and
2. Shri GPS Dhillon Head, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana.

Promotion of Agroforestry in Punjab

Promotion of Agroforestry in Punjab

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