Manoj Thakur

Why should wood be seasoned?

After seasoning, when wood is subjected to termite treatment (pest control), it increases its lifespan. Any work done on seasoned wood results in a shiny and excellent finish. This makes the wood product attractive and durable. International standards for wood quality also include seasoning. Whether the wood comes from forests or agro forestry, it should be used only after proper seasoning in the local market also. Which will ensure that it can compete with imported furniture ultimately saving foreign currency.

Seasoning: Promotion of Agro Forestry along with durable and strong woodSeasoning should be done for all types of wood.

Since trees grow naturally and depend on water for nourishment, they naturally contain moisture. Every piece of wood naturally contains insects that don’t die in humidity. Some woods get infested sooner than others. Seasoning at a specific temperature kills these insects and greatly reduces the chance of infestation. Typically, in the Indian context, especially in northern India, various types of wood such as Mango, Safeda, and Acacia are used in furniture. All these types of wood must undergo seasoning before use. Seasoned Rubber wood is also used to make high-quality furniture in South India.

Why isn’t seasoning adopted in Gerneal?

In India, sunlight exposure lasts for long period. It’s a common misconception that air seasoning under the sun for a few months is sufficient. However, this isn’t entirely accurate; while the outer layers may lose moisture, the inner layers do not. Seasoning is a scientific process. Controlled conditions in a seasoning chamber is used to season wood for a specific duration. The problem is the lack of awareness among people about this process. Hence, there isn’t much emphasis on it in General.

In some specific wood, there may be a slight delay in insect infestation. However, infestation will definitely occur. Special care needs to be taken for some species, live teak wood because it needs to be seasoned very slowly; otherwise, it may develop cracks.

Why isn’t there widespread awareness about seasoning?

Seasoning of wood is essential for the furniture and handicrafts industry. Almost all producers season the wood before using it. Some, who don’t have their own plants, get it done on a job work basis. The cost of seasoning is not very high, on average, it costs around 65 rupees per cubic foot (cft). This is quite affordable, and there is a need to create awareness about this at a broader level. The government and the forest department should set specific standards for this so that only seasoned wood is used.

Why don’t producers pay attention to this?

Seasoning undoubtedly increases production costs. After seasoning wood, producers are inclined to maintain high quality everywhere. The product will undergo high-level craftsmanship, and the polish will be of good quality. Even the smallest details will be given attention, resulting in excellent product quality. All of these activities leads to increased costs. Due to the higher demand for affordable furniture in the market, furniture manufacturers tend to cut costs. As a result, they compromise on the production cost and thereby quality.

Seasoning: Promotion of Agro Forestry along with durable and strong wood

So quality is being compromised in pursuit of affordability?

Consumers are also unaware about the quality of wood. Even if the furniture turns out to be defective, consumers usually don’t complain. This perception is becoming common in society and the market. Moreover, consumers lack knowledge and information about the difference between seasoned and unseasoned wood products. Therefore, they assume that life of furniture is only this much. A campaign should be initiated to address awareness for seasoning among consumers.

Do the convenience of seasoning is available to everyone to get the benefit?

In cities where such plants are not available, it should be established. For this, initial infrastructure needs to be provided by the government. This will encourage seasoning. If government-owned plants like those in Saharanpur are available in all cities, then this convenience can be provided.

Does seasoning benefit only consumers, not producers?

Seasoning also benefits producers along with consumers because it strengthens his relationship with consumers. It builds market credibility. The quality of the product is elevated to international standards. However, finding customers demanding good quality furniture is challenging.

Once the quality is acknowledged in the market, consumers start demanding such products. The initial effort by the producer pays off at last.

Should all types of wood be seasoned?

There is a misconception that the nature of wood is unchangeable and cannot be improved. This belief in consumers is not suitable for wood, tree planting, and environment. Due to lack of basic knowledge and the absence of seasoning facilities, consumers begin to resort to using other products like steel and fiber etc.

Can the popularity of seasoning increase wood production?

If the demand for wood increases, people will pay more attention to tree planting, especially in the field of agro forestry. Currently, most of the wood supply from agro forestry is going into plywood or MDF, etc. If awareness about seasoning increases, woods like Safeda and similar types which are common and affordable can also be used for doors and frames. This could potentially lead to better prices for farmers.

There should also be a system where if one tree is harvested, more and more trees are planted. This would ensure a continuous supply of wood and create a balanced ecological chain, promoting a pollution-free environment in the future.

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